General Information


HOA ASSESSMENTS: As of May 1, 2024, late fee and interest will be added to payment. Interest accumulates monthly.

 Please remember:
1. Exterior changes including mail boxes must be approved in advance by the ACC-call with questions
2. Call before cutting down any trees. The PLPOA ACC Inspector will make an evaluation that a tree is dead/diseased/dying or a danger and therefore removable. 
3. Please note that there are different lengths of approval periods depending on your request. Some may be good up to 1 year. This should be noted in your approval letter.  
                   ACC INSPECTOR PHONE NUMBER: 240-682-2515 (9am-7pm)

August 23, 2024

PLPOA Dues/Assessments are due by March 1, 2025. (Due 3/1 each year)

Member payments options:

- Payment in the office via check, cash or money order

- Drop box located outside the office is available

- Scheduled or Automatic payments through your financial institution 

- ACH option through your owner’s portal on EasyHOA - a convenience fee of $1.99 per transaction is charged

- MasterCard/Visa payments through your owners portal on EasyHOA -  a convenience fee of 3.4% per transaction is charged


Your owner’s portal can be located with this link:


To use the Owner Login option:

Click “Owners Login"

Enter your email and set up your password

Set up your password


If you need assistance logging on or updating Owner's information please email [email protected] or [email protected] 


End of season Friday cookouts @ pool pavilion:  8/23 & 8/30 @ 5 – 7pm

Hamburgers, hot dogs, chili dogs, baked beans, chips & sodas ($3 meal)

*Must be member in good standing with current recreation tags


Fall Yard Sale: September 14, 2024 @ 8am – 1pm

Contact Bill Norris at 240-682-2515 to sign up


   There is also guidance in 'News and Information' for community members who meet the 'good standing' parameter to gain access to the locked areas on the website.

FYI - BOD and Committee Meetings

--BOD meetings are held the 3rd Tues of each month - 7:30 PM

--ACC meetings are held the 2nd Wednesday of each month - 7:30 PM. Requests need to be submitted 2 weeks prior to meeting date for Committee review.

--Compliance meetings 2nd Tuesday of each month - 7PM as needed

--DoD (Deed of Dedication) meetings every Thursday - 7PM as needed. – Call office to confirm meeting

--Silt meetings are as needed. Call office to confirm if meeting scheduled.

--Financial Committee meetings are held the 3rd Tuesday of each month – 6pm (before BOD meetings) – NO August Mtg

* In the Spring of each year, at a minimum, the accessibility list will be purged of those who do not meet the ‘good standing’ parameters.

June 19, 2024

Notice Lake Monroe fishermen:

This lake has chain pickerel. If caught, please destroy because they are an aggressive fish which will reduce the number of desirable fish.

Food Donations: Bren Sharitz Pence a community member is collecting food donations for a local pantry until the end of JUNE.

Drop off locations are:

Caroline Joy @ 6171 Morton Circle

Danielle Morris @ 8442 Delegate Dr.

Amy Laing Gillespie @ 7465 Buchanan Dr.

May 1, 2024: ROAD CLOSURES (weeks of 5/14-5/21/24)

There will be road closures throughout the neighborhood on any of the above days for road rejuvenation.  The treatment applied extends the life of the roads thus saving you money. The contracted company will be posting signs for road closures and then will be opening them as soon as the sealant is safe to drive on – usually within a few hours but use caution as it takes a couple of days to achieve maximum effectiveness.

Please be patient as there is a likelihood that you may be inconvenienced during this process.

Please note the following:

Trim roadside edge of grass or weeds to allow for maximum coverage

No watering on the day of treatment

A minimum of 6 feet from the road clearance is required; Don’t park on or near the roads; Move all vehicles as far away from the road as possible, however since our neighborhood prohibits ‘on street parking’ this warning should not be needed.

The attachments with details are listed at the bottom.

This is year one (1) of a planned 3 (three) year project.

WEATHER DEPENDENT Schedule for year one(1).

May 14 

                Carter from Reagan to end of Carter

                All of Fairbanks

                All of Colfax

May 15

                All Dallas Ct

                All Stevenson Dr

                All Hobart

                All Wheeler

May 16

                All Dawes Dr

                All Columbia

                All Ambassador Dr

May 17 

                All Inaugural Dr

                Hoover - Kenmore to Cul-de-sac

                All Senate Cir

                All Coolidge Cir

                All Wilson Cir

                All Kennedy Dr

May 18

                All Van Buren Dr

                All Congress Cir

                All Monticello Cir

                Lincoln Dr

                Johnson Dr from Lincoln to Cul-de-sac

                Filmore Cir

                Capital Cir

                Blair House

                Mount Vernon Cir

May 20 


                Stratford Dr

                Monroe Dr

                Pierce Crt

May 21

                WEATHER BACKUP DAY 

January 9, 2024

Dear neighbors: We are postponing the collection of additional donations thanks to the generosity of our community. Monday, we were able to deliver clothing, shoes, blankets, sleeping bags, diapers, toys, winter coats, and gift cards totaling $500.00. Our donations filled the inside and bed of a truck! We already have more to deliver! As soon as we have another list of needs, we will let you all know. Thank you for your willingness to help others in our community!   

January 4, 2024

One of our community members lost everything in a devastating fire.  As a community, we want to support them. These are their current requests. We will update requests as their needs change.

Drop off at the Community Center  8:30-4:30  today through Friday 1/26
Call Bill at 240-682-2515 to make arrangements for an evening drop off.

Current requests:

Gift cards: General cards so they can be used anywhere.  

Please give these to Yvonne in the office, or to Bill or Sue Norris if it is in the evening.

Boy        size 12-18 months           size 5 diapers

Girl        size 4T                             size 9 shoes

Boy        size 6/7                            size 11 shoe

Boy        Tops/ men's large:   Bottoms Medium     Size 7.5 shoe

October 3, 2023

New Resale Certificate:
The Resale Certificate replaces the HOA Disclosure Packet and new fees apply.
See the Resale Certificate request form under the "request forms" heading.

January 18, 2023

Theft:  Over a recent weekend in January multiple (stop, 25 mph, children at play, burn law and speed bump) signs were stolen throughout the community.  The thieves took the time to remove the bolts that secured the signs so there was definite intent.  The incident has been reported to the KG County Sheriff’s Department so if you have any information that could lead to prosecution please call them.  If you see anything that would lead you to think 'something' is not right, call the Sheriff’s Department.  The theft of signs impacts safety and the entire community is impacted by the cost and labor needed to replace the signs.

2023 Annual Meeting:  It will be Saturday March 4th, 2023 at the Community Center.  It is early in the month due to scheduling conflicts. You must be a member in good standing to participate which means your annual assessments should be paid by March 3rd, 2023.

2023 Dues and Assessment Invoice:  It is anticipated the invoice will be in your mailbox no later than the first week of February.  The annual assessment for 2023 is $905.00. 

Chickens: The Deed of Dedication states "No animals or livestock of any description, except the usual household pets, to include no more than two dogs and two cats, shall be kept on any lot."  In addition King George Country has a ordinance which requires a parcel to have a minimum square footage in order to have chickens.  Most properties in Presidential Lakes do not meet the minimum square footage requirement.

Christmas Decorations:  Reminder to the few stragglers out there.  All exterior Holiday decorations should be removed by Feb 6th, 2023. 

Monroe Pavilion Repair:  Coming soon the exterior decking (not under the roof) of the pavilion will be replaced with an upgraded product.  The upgraded product should reduce the need to replace decking as frequently as required when using pressure treated wood.

Lake Monroe:  The water level has increased significantly (+ 65" inches) from its lowest draw down level since the completion of the dam repair in August of 2022.   Date of complete refill is unknown.

September 14, 2022


Maintenance is in the process of trimming trees and bushes at our corners and around the curves of our streets to improve visibility for drivers.  Contractors will also be trimming in the community.  


Please do not put trash cans in/on the road due to visibility and traffic dangers. Place to the side/close to edge of road only.

May 19, 2022

Potential Rabid Raccoon – Polk Court Area

The sheriff’s department was called out to the Polk Court area because a raccoon was displaying unusual disturbing behavior last night.  The attempt to trap the raccoon was unsuccessful.  The PLPOA office was notified of this incident today (5/19/22).  Please take appropriate precautions.

Lake Monroe Dam Repair Approximate Start Date Set 

The expectation is that the work will commence towards the end of May and expected to take approximately 8 weeks.  Of course, this time frame is weather dependent.   During the construction phase Eisenhower and Harrison Drive may be closed for limited periods.  Every effort will be made to provide at least a 24 hour notice.  Also, there may be out of the ordinary noise and posted signage.  All these occurrences are to facilitate the dam reconstruction.  When you see equipment being staged at Lake Monroe then you know reconstruction will begin shortly.

Virginia DCR/VRA has pushed back the announcement date for the DCR matching grant award tor dam repairs to late May/June time frame. It was originally April 2022.  Hopefully PL is on their list of recipients.  We don't know how long it will take for the lake to refill, but we know the lake level rises, at the lowered level,  2 or 3 inches every couple days.

Pavilion Area Cleanup Day:   March 26th, 2022, was a huge success.  Due to the many community members who participated, all the trash that had accumulated over the past 50+ years was cleaned up in one day when it was thought this effort would take many Saturday mornings..  Thank you Ron and Robbie Correa, your community volunteer organizers.

Playground Update:  Replacements for two broken playgrounds panels which were ordered last year have finally arrived and been installed.  Two additional panels are on order.

Signs:  Article IV #16 deed of Dedication:  “ …signs … (are) subject to approval by the Architectural control Committee regarding the design of    such signs and their locations.   All … signs shall … require the approval of the said committee.”  Plan ahead:  Graduation and political signs require ACC approval.

March 24, 2022

Lake Monroe Contract Awarded:
Presidential Lakes has accepted the bid from Bander Smith and are in the process of finalizing the contract to fix Lake Monroe dam. The amount is for literally fixing the dam itself. Other expenses have been incurred such as the required engineering design, pump rental (to keep lake low), permits, etc. The expectation is that work will commence around mid-May and take approximately 8 weeks to complete. Of course, this time frame is weather dependent. Presidential Lakes is fortunate in that several contractors have expedited their work to help us start our dam repairs. Without their help we would not be starting our repairs until at least July of 2022. Late April 2022 is the time frame in which PL should hear if we have been awarded a Virginia DCR/VRA matching grant. 

Pavilion Area Clean-Up Days (various):
Since Lake Monroe has been lowered, all the trash that has accumulated over the past 50+ years is now exposed. The clean-up days will occur on Saturdays if the area is dry or at its driest. Watch the entrance billboard signs announcing a clean-up day. No sign, no clean-up that weekend. 

SATURDAY, March 26th, 2022 (check signs/weather permitting)

What's required: Show up - No need to call
Time: 10am to 12pm
Clothing: Whatever you feel is appropriate but recommend heavy soled shoes/boots due to broken glass/soft sand/mud
What to bring: trash bags, gloves, bottled water and a SMILE.
Ron & Robbie Correa, your community volunteer organizers

August 2, 2021

Playground Refurbishment:
A working session of volunteers met to discuss various options for repairing, improving the playground area. (Special thank you to Sarah E.) The Board of Directors (BOD) has approved the funding for some refurbishments to occur during the 2021 Presidential Lake (PL) fiscal year.

Tree Trimming
:  It has/and is occurring primarily along the bus routes.  Other areas, as needed, will also be addressed.

April 9, 2021

Annual Meeting Election Results: 
March 27, 2021 election results. 

       The 3 people elected to a 3 year term: Mike DiBiccari, Frank Fronzo, Drew Tarleton

Volunteers – Special Projects:  Playground & Tennis Courts Refurbishment

We are seeking volunteers to add their voices, ideas, suggestions and maybe physical labor to the effort to refurbish each of these areas.  It would be most helpful if someone would volunteer to chair either of these efforts.   The final responsibility resides with the BOD, but with many people involved we should end up with great results.  Contact the office: 775-7000.

2021 Recreation Tags:  Must have by May 1, 2021

Spring Cleanup: Time for spring cleanup!  Reminder and request to spend some time not only in your yard, but cleaning (leaves and other debris that could impact water flow) from your ditch line before the spring rains really set in.  What goes on in your ditches impacts your neighbors.  We thank-you and your neighbor will thank-you even if they don't say it to you verbally.  PS Picking up litter would be nice too.... beautifies our neighborhood and helps our maintenance crew.

Access Control: See something disturbing going on in the neighborhood that needs attention and the office is closed call Drew Tarleton (Access Control Chair) who will contact the on-duty access control person to investigate. 310-278-1525. If it is a dangerous situation call the KG Sheriff's Dept. 540-775-2049.

Solicitors: Send information regarding on who they are to the office so they can be officially notified via phone or letter they are not welcome.  ‘No Trespassing’ as well as ‘No Soliciting’ is posted at each entrance.

Lake Monroe: Attempts will be made again (3rd time) to grow grass on top of the dam.  Natural vegetation (not just hard dirt) is just one of the specifications the state requires for dam certification. The state license’s the operation of every dam in the state of Virginia for safety purposes.  PLEASE HELP by being respectable of the vegetation growing efforts----PLEASE alter your path each time you walk across the dam avoiding these areas.        


August 26, 2020

Property Ownership
Some people have exterior lots which back up to non-Presidential Lakes property.  To determine the ownership, here is where the information can be found: 

The prospective buyer signs(green) on the billboard signs have been replaced with larger, bolder print, but the message is the same.  Among the notices it states “ownership is Presidential Lakes requires…. adherence to Deed of Dedication”…  Contact the office 775-7000 for guidance.  CONTACT 540-706-4122 (Bill N.) should you question a notice of non-compliance.

Please take note of the following Deed of Dedication statements:

Article III #1 “No … construction, temporary or permanent, exterior change or alteration … shall be made until … approved in writing … by an architectural control committee…NOTE:  Always check first before proceeding with any exterior change to your property.  Proceeding with an exterior modification without ACC approval puts your project (and investment) at risk.

Article IV #4 “Owners of lots in said subdivision, whether said lots be built on or not, shall keep their lots free of garbage, trash, and unsightly debris and litter.”

Article IV, #11  “All receptacles for ashes, trash, rubbish or garbage shall be screened or so placed and kept as not to be visible from any street or lakes within the subdivision at any time except during refuse collections.” NOTE:  If screening is to be your method to abide by this covenant, then first get ACC approval for your approach.

Article IV #16 “…signs … (are) subject to approval by the Architectural control Committee regarding the design of    such signs and their locations.   All … signs shall … require the approval of the said   committee, and the        modification of any sign may at any time be required by said committee.” NOTE:  As we approach an election season the legality of this process has been verified regarding political signage.  The only exception to this process is that one(1) For Sale sign may be placed on the property (Virginia Property Owners’ Association Act).

Think/Plan Ahead
Opportunity knocks--- my neighbor has a tree removal company present (after having received ACC ‘Approval’ to remove the tree/s).  I have a tree or a project that I’ve been thinking of doing.  I’ll ask those contractors to address mine at the same time. It is NOT ok to proceed without seeking permission. So, you call the office seeking an immediate response.  Although every effort is made to respond quickly, it is not possible to receive a call at 4PM one day and expect a response by 10am the next day!  Solution:  Plan ahead. ACC approvals are good for one year so seek approval ahead of time so when an unexpected opportunity occurs you can take advantage of it. 

Roped off dam areas--these are areas where the grass is struggling to grow.   Please be respectful of the roped off areas as grass covering is required in order to maintain our Virginia state dam certifications.   We are hoping Mother Nature will support these efforts and we need your help too by respecting this effort.

Tree Growth
Heat and rain has caused an explosion of tree growth which is impacting road visibility.  Please take the time to check your tree branches, especially if you live on a curve or have a corner lot that make driving and walking more hazardous.  If guidance is desired contact the office and the ‘garden lady’ will be happy to provide assistance.

July 17, 2020 - Please see uploaded attachment at the bottom with same date

June 24, 2020 

Results of Tues 6/21/2020 BOD meeting that may impact you:

Boats with Internal Combustion Engines:
It was reaffirmed that "No boats with internal combustion engines are allowed on the lakes."

Ice Cream Trucks:
Two ice cream trucks will be allowed in PL four(4) days a week.  They are to provide to the office proof of current insurance, King George County business license AND to display a sign in a visible location on their vehicle indicating they have been granted permission to be on PL roads.  If the truck is in an area PLEASE be especially mindful as children may dart from anywhere.

Other notices
Contracted vendors:
Because our roads are narrow and site visibility is limited in some areas, for safety reasons, it has been requested you ask your contractor to place safety cones or some other indication that a work vehicle is present. 

The installation of speed bumps was to slow people down and provide more safety for those using the roads for getting out and about.  Now, there are complaints that walkers are not respecting drivers.  Multiple people staying abreast of each other while on the road can impact safe vehicle passage.   If you are on a PL road as walker, biker, etc. please move to the side of the road to allow vehicles to pass safely.

6/12/2020: All signs including political need to be approved by the ACC


FYI – Various Updates June 8, 2020


The Association has had some very vocal public negative feedback.  At the same time there has been very positive feedback, but that hasn't been as publicly vocal.   Also the speed bumps are working as intended.  Speed reduction has been dramatic in the installation areas making it much safer for community members to walk on the roads.

FYI - The speed bump reduction at the Madison entrance did not cost the Association any money, but to do any work on any other speed bump will cost money.

However, the plan going forward is the reminder of the speed bumps will have some reduction by simply using heat and compression.  It is believed this can be accomplished with our maintenance crew and a couple of volunteers to help with traffic.  The optimum time to do this is during the dog days of summer.   Will you volunteer? Someone will contact you when it is time.   Contact the office via e-mail:  Put the subject matter  'Volunteer speed bumps". Put in availability and a phone number in case the effort is a last minute decision.

Kindness:  Please remember that your BOD is a group of volunteers and the office is staffed by a single individual.  Historically, the BOD has not wanted to add a 2nd person because the BOD is very conscious of the additional cost so we as a community muddle along.  There are over 2800 people living in here and we do want to hear from you, but please do it in a kind manner taking into consideration that we are trying to do our best..................and constructive comments and suggestions are ALWAYS welcome.  We realize people are in a different place right now, but  PLEASE be kind to our contracted employees too.   Everyone deserves respect be in person, via e-mail or any other form of communication.

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