
Want to help us out and make our community even better?  Sign up with us!  We're constantly in need of help from people in the community to maintain various HOA committees and teams.  Through helping out and volunteering where you can, you'll provide an invaluable service to the community and help maintain the place we all live.

Here are examples of opportunities:

1.  Board of Directors
2.  Compliance

3.  ACC
4.  Spring & Fall Community Yard Sales (Saturday mornings)
5.  Annual Memorial Day Picnic (Sat. of Memorial Day Weekend)
6.  Landscaping (weeding, watering, mulching, planting)
7.  Member organized community events (i.e., Easter Egg Hunt, play dates, Halloween party)

If you feel that you could serve in any of these spots or have ideas for other committees that you think would benefit our community, please contact the office at (540) 775-7000.

Too shy to talk on the phone? How about an email then:

[email protected]

Or come to the Board of Directors meet at 7:30 pm on the 3rd Tuesday of each month in the Presidential Lakes Community Room and let us know.